CEAI successfully organised the webinar on ‘Dam Safety and Instrumentation’ on 6th November 2020. Please download the presentations. 1. Presentation of Mr M K Sinha 2. Presentation of...
CEAI successfully organised the webinar on "Emerging Technologies in Infrastructure Sector - AI/ML, IoT, AR/VR" on 16th October 2020. Please see the Vedio Registration Link https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vw8uEmv0QEWzw25zCMxFcA
Indian Water Works Association Pune Centre and Consulting Engineers Association of India is organising webinar on “Water Hammer General appraisal in Water supply, Thermal and Hydropower Projects” September...
As a part of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations the first webinar was successfully organised on 29th September 2020 The speakers and their topics were: Dr. Nikhil Bugalia, Visiting...
CEAI successfully organised the training on 20th August 2020 Presentations Mr Aseem Prabhakar - PPT Mr Sanjay Lalan - PPT ONLINE training on “Software Solutions for...
CEAI successfully organised the interactive webinar on ‘Investing in Remote Working by Small companies’. Please download the Presentation- CEAI_TCE_SolutionsForSmallCompanies
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rNps9AKq4jw Presentations A P Mull A Shirode Amitabha Ghoshal Manoj Mittal V K Jayaswal Dinesh Kumar Anish Dayal - Video CEAI organising a webinar on "Taking Consulting...
CEAI Successfully organised the webinar on "Challenges for Consulting Fraternity - contractual perspective during post pandemic scenario" on May 22, 2020. Please download Presentation and Vedio https://youtu.be/Sles15H1v1I
The Webinar on "Enabling Remote Working for Engineering Consulting Organizations" successfully organised. Presentations delivered by Dr Malur, CTO and Dr Shahu, Chief of IT Systems, TCE. Please download...